Can You Hear Me?

She seeks while I’m the one that hides

My toy car rolls as I play with it

The cut I got while running starts to hurt

The warm weather calls for the pool

I yell as the water consumes me


Can you hear me?


I hop from one bush to another

My white furry tail trailing behind me

The long orange triangle waiting for me to bite it

Something grabs me as I go for it

A squeak escapes my pink mouth


Can you hear me?


Swarms of bodies enter the office

The pink blouse gets stained with coffee right away

Call after call my face tightens

Boss slams the phone down on my arm

I wince in pain and gasp


Can you hear me?


The stink comes from my rear end

I wait for someone to change me

The white paper thing getting more soaked

The smell of milk hits my nose

I cry out for a change and a drink


Can you hear me?


I swivel my way through the cracks

The giant’s house has been broken into

My black body and small legs carrying the bread home

A human approaches as I try to maneuver around it

A deathly noise escapes my mouth as a foot hits my body


Can you hear me?


I run around the tree

My bushy black and brown tail chasing after me

The thought of more acorns driving me forward

The sound of a bark from far drawing nearer

The pitter-patter of my hurried feet getting faster


Can you hear me? 


On the way to the show

The excitement in the car on level high

Whooshing noise of the wind breezing by

The smell of rain getting stronger as more comes down

The noise of the tires screeching as my breath is knocked away


Can you hear me?


The voices of those you don’t know

The gasps

The pain

The shock 

The noises of the world


Can you hear me?


The reactions that show a feeling

The selfishness

The everlasting sadness

The broken parts

The different sounds


Can you hear me?


You drink and drive

You kill the first bug you see

You ignore the baby to be on the phone

You take your bad day out on others

You only think of yourself


Can you put others before you?

Can you pretend to be in there shoes?

Can you REALLY see them?

Even the smallest little animal

The little aspects of life


Pay attention

Notice others outside your box

Think beyond the normal

Maybe you cant

Then try


Can you at least hear them?